Interested to understand the importance of stem cell research and recent advancements within this field of study? Today, there are approximately 250 companies worldwide that are developing stem cell products for therapeutic use in humans to address a diverse range of chronic and acute conditions. There are also around astounding 500,000+ scientific publications about stem cells that have been published today in peer-reviewed journals.
In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of stem cell research. Let’s dive in.
In this article:
The Pros of Stem Cell Research
1. Potential for Treating Diseases
Stem cells are known for their powerful potential to treat different types of diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and lymphoma. They can replace damaged or lost cells in the human body through stem cell transplants. As research continues, these transplanted cells can even replace entire organs significantly damaged by disease or cancer cells.
2. An Endless Study of the Human Body
Through stem cells, scientists and researchers can continuously study how the human body can grow and develop. For example, by studying the development of stem cells into a different type of cell, scientists can learn how stem cells can prevent or treat diseases, even major ones.
3. The Future of Embryonic Treatment
One potential area of stem cell research is embryonic treatment. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent stem cells that have the ability to turn into any type of cells, to help repair damaged or diseased cells. Studying this area allows researchers to better understand how embryos develop and even discover treatments for several health issues.
4. More Cells for Research
Stem cells can duplicate at a high rate. This means there are many opportunities for stem cell research. especially in studying treatments for diseases. The cell clones can be used for clinical trials to test new drugs and discover new treatments.
5. A Reduced Risk of Transplantation
Transplantation risks matter a lot, and with stem cells, patients have a lower risk of experiencing complications. Bleeding, rejection of the donated organ, and infections are some of the risks of transplantation that autologous stem cell therapy can prevent from happening. With more stem cell research, a patient can possibly have a clone of their heart without the risks of complications in the near future.
6. Stem Cells to Fight Cancer
Lymphoma and leukemia are the most common diseases stem cell therapy can treat. Aside from these, stem cell transplants also have a brighter future in treating other types of cancer. For example, stem cell therapy can replace the damaged bone marrow with a healthy one, allowing the patient another hope of surviving the disease.
7. A Future with Cosmetic Medicine
Although stem cells are gaining a huge interest in regenerative medicine, they also hold a future with cosmetic medicine. These cells have been used for facelifts, butt lifts, breast augmentations, and many others. Cosmetic medicine utilizes fat as the source of stem cells. Because of stem cells’ healing abilities, researchers are looking into how they can rejuvenate parts of the body that require aesthetic enhancement.
8. Pregnancy Loss Reduction
A group of scientists revealed that a lack of stem cells in the womb can lead to miscarriage, as it can cause the lining of the womb to be defective. With further stem cell research, they can find ways to correct this defect.
The Cons of Stem Cell Research
1. Long Pre-Research Period
Before stem cell research starts, harvesting of the cells comes first. If the stem cells are from an embryo, the cells need to be processed in a lab before they can be used, which could take several months. This also means a long period is required before one can even gain access to study stem cells.
2. Still Investigational
Despite the promising potential of stem cells in both regenerative and cosmetic medicine, it is still investigational. More research is needed to make sure stem cell transplants can be considered a standard therapy for diseases or body enhancements.
3. Ethical Issues of Embryonic Stem Cells
Embryonic stem cells are treated as “master cells” because they can become any type of cells. The only concern with this area is that there’s the ethical issue of destroying embryos. This can mean the destruction of a potential human life.
4. Theological Concerns
Another stem cell research controversy is the issue of humans taking God’s role in creating and sustaining life. Stem cells can be used to help people to reverse and mitigate disease, as well as to heal from injury. For some people, this gets a little too close to “God’s role” in creating, sustaining, and improving human life.
5. Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant Rejection
Because allogeneic transplantation comes from a donor, the risk of stem cell rejection is high. The patient’s body may not recognize the transplanted cells and attack them. This can lead to bleeding, infection, and other risks.
6. Costly Stem Cell Treatments
The costs of a single stem cell therapy are a bit high. The average cost for a stem cell knee therapy, for example, can range from $3,000 to $5,000 per knee. Larger whole-body treatments can costs as much as $25,000 or more. What is even more problematic is that insurance companies typically do not cover stem cell transplants, primarily because the therapy is still experimental. This only means every expense is shouldered by the patient.
You can learn more about the cost of stem cell therapy here.
7. No Assurance Around Long-Term Side Effects
Although many have experienced success with stem cell treatments, its long-term side effects are still unknown. There’s no assurance that a single patient who underwent stem cell treatment will not experience any consequences. The side effects can occur in one patient and may not appear in another with the same treatment.
Arguments against stem cell research may persist as further studies continue unless scientists solve these concerns. More work is also required to consider stem cell treatments safe for a particular disease. Regardless, the potential for stem cells in regenerative and cosmetic medicine drives researchers and scientists to keep making strides in this very promising field.
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Stem Cell Research and Treatments
As the world’s largest publisher of stem cell industry news, BioInformant understandably cannot provide clinical treatments or advice. For this reason, please contact GIOSTAR with your medical questions. GIOSTAR is a global stem cell company that has treated over 14,000+ patients in the U.S. and worldwide.
You can reach them at this link to schedule a consultation or ask them your questions.
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