Marketing Cost Analysis for “Mesenchymal Stem Cell”
Because Google now controls over 50% of online searches, it is the single best resource available for analyzing online search behavior within the mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) market.
Identifying the cost of winning search terms related to MSCs is an important analysis for company executives to conduct, because it allows for the planning of cost-effective Google AdWords campaigns and because it reveals existing levels of market competition for the sale of MSC products and services.
Individuals or companies who choose to buy the exact search phrase “Mesenchymal Stem Cell” through Google AdWords now pay $7.65[1] to win search traffic for this phrase within the United States.
Internationally, when all locations are considered, the cost for buying the exact search phrase “Mesenchymal Stem Cell” through Google AdWords is $2.85.[2] It is a valuable finding that the cost of marketing MSC products and services is more than twice as expensive within the USA as it is globally ($7.65 vs. $2.85 per click, respectively).
IMAGE. Google AdWords Price-Per-Click for the Term “Mesenchymal Stem Cell” (Geography: USA Only)
IMAGE. Google AdWords Price-Per-Click for the Term “Mesenchymal Stem Cell” (Geography: Worldwide)
Findings from this section are summarized below.
TABLE. Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click Prices for the Search Phrase “Mesenchymal Stem Cell”
Mesenchymal Stem Cell | USA | $7.65 |
Mesenchymal Stem Cell | Worldwide | $2.85 |
The Cost of Derivative Search Terms
Next, an analysis of search terms that contain the phrase “Mesenchymal Stem Cell” is presented. Results containing the phrase “Stem Cell” are also included for comparative purposes. While there are often lower volumes of search for these longer phrases, they are usually more specialized and can therefore potentially convert at higher rates.
See a full analysis of “Mesenchymal Stem Cell” derivative search terms for the United States and worldwide below, again performed using the Google AdWords tool.
IMAGE. Cost-per-Click for Derivative Search Terms (Geography: USA Only)
IMAGE. Cost-per-Click for Derivative Search Terms (Geography: Worldwide)
Staying informed about MSC marketing costs and current levels of market competition is valuable to company management, product managers, industry investors, and more.
There are other critical industry metrics to track as well, including MSC clinical trial rates, patent rates, scientific publication rates, and grant rates and more.
However, continuously tracking these metrics is time-consuming and expensive. To quickly access current MSC industry metrics, view the global strategic report “Mesenchymal Stem Cells – Advances & Applications” now.
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[1], (2014). Google AdWords: Keyword Planner. [online] Available at: (“Mesenchymal Stem Cell”; Geography: USA Only) [Accessed 19 May. 2015].
[2], (2014). Google AdWords: Keyword Planner. [online] Available at: (“Mesenchymal Stem Cell”; Geography: Worldwide) [Accessed 19 May. 2015].
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