PRESS RELEASE; Washington, DC; November 17, 1015 — BioInformant, the only market research firm to serve the stem cell sector since it emerged, announces its sponsorship of the upcoming World Stem Cell Summit 2015 produced by the Genetics Policy Institute (GPI). The conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, over December 10-12, 2015.
The event is the world’s largest interdisciplinary meeting to bring together stakeholders from across the stem cell and regenerative medicine spectrum. Described as GPI as bringing together “prominent industry leaders, scientists, clinicians, venture capitalists and angel investors, philanthropists, policymakers, and advocates,” the event will provide seven different course tracks featuring more than 200 speakers.
BioInformant’s President/CEO, Cade Hildreth, has a personal connection to the event. “On a personal level, I am enthusiastic to attend the summit, because I am the President/CEO of a global stem cell market research firm, but I am also a stem cell transplant recipient,” stated Hildreth. “I utilized autologous stem cells to successfully heal an orthopedic injury that two prior surgeries could not address.”
This year, the World Stem Cell Summit will feature more than 65 hours of in-depth programming and will be held in conjunction with the RegMed Capital Conference, with the goal to support stem cell research through partnerships, collaboration, and funding.
Founded in 2006 in Washington, DC, BioInformant is uniquely suited to sponsor the event, because it is the only market research firm to utilize diverse techniques for tracking stem cell markets, including end-user surveys, traditional market metrics, and importantly, recently discovered social analytics, including data derived from social media sites, search engines, online advertising platforms, and more. To BioInformant’s knowledge, no other company has invested in the technology necessary to track social analytics (individual user behavior) for stem cell and cord blood markets.
Called the “most innovative market research firm in the world,” BioInformant has been cited on prominent news outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Nature Biotechnology, CBS News, Medical Ethics, the Center for BioNetworking, and more. As the global leader in stem cell market intelligence, BioInformant serves notable clients across the stem cell and cord blood spectrum. Fortune 500 leaders on the company’s client list include GE Healthcare, Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, Beckton Dickinson, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and many more.
Also of importance to BioInformant, the summit will be well-represented by cord blood industry participants, because cord blood contains valuable hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and cord tissue contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). In addition to stem cell markets, BioInformant carefully tracks cord blood industry metrics using continuously maintained dashboards and systems that trigger alerts when trend data exhibits unexpected variation.
According to Hildreth, “The World Stem Cell Summit is the ultimate gathering for the stem cell community, praise which I do not give lightly, because I attend more than a dozen stem cell and regenerative medicine events worldwide each year. We look forward to meeting with our clients and business partners from across the stem cell and cord blood spectrum.”
BioInformant invested in sponsorship of this World Stem Cell Summit, because a key mission of the summit is to spread awareness for stem cells, a vision that the organizers share with BioInformant.
BioInformant’s stem cell industry blog ( is now approaching 100,000 views per month, with the goal to reach 500,000 views by mid-2017. BioInformant’s social media accounts also function as powerful platforms for distribution of stem cell industry news. The company’s Twitter account (@StemCellMarket) is the fastest growing stem cell account on Twitter, and BioInformant’s President/CEO, Cade Hildreth, is a Top Influencer for Stem Cells on LinkedIn. BioInformant also has a rapidly growing subscriber base of stem cell industry executives and investors expected to surpass 10K by 2016.
BioInformant is privileged to be an Official Sponsor for the 2015 World Stem Cell Summit and thanks the Genetics Policy Institute (GPI) for the opportunity to support this momentous event for the advancement of stem cell science, policy, and medicine.
About BioInformant
Founded in 2006 in Washington, DC, BioInformant is the only market research firm to serve the stem cell sector since it emerged. A unique attribute of BioInformant is that our management team comes from a BioInformatics background – the science of collecting and analyzing complex biological data – and we apply these techniques to the field of market research. In addition to offering cutting-edge stem cell and cord blood market intelligence, BioInformant operates a stem cell industry blog nearing 100K views per month and has a subscriber base of stem cell industry executives and investors approaching 10K. The goal is to reach 500K views by 2017. BioInformant’s President/CEO, Cade Hildreth, also acts as a media expert on stem cell industry topics, recently conducting interviews with the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Business Journal.
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