BioInformant is honored to sponsor and attend the 12th annual World Stem Cell Summit 2016being held in West Palm Beach, Florida on December 6-9, 2016, by the Regenerative Medicine Foundation.
The World Stem Cell Summit brings together more than 1,200 intelligent minds, putting brilliant speakers on stage and packing rooms with curious and eager listeners.
In my opinion, the World Stem Cell Summit is the ultimate gathering for the stem cell community.
What is the World Stem Cell Summit?
The World Stem Cell Summit is the world’s largest interdisciplinary meeting to bring together stakeholders from across the stem cell and regenerative medicine spectrum.
The key aspect that makes the World Stem Cell Summit a must-attend event is that it brings together stem cell executives, investors, researchers, clinicians, doctors, advocates, patients, and more. I can report from experience that it is extremely rare for a stem cell event to attract stakeholders from across the stem cell spectrum.
The event also features over 200 renowned speakers, which means that for the past month, I’ve been reviewing the speaker list and planning out my “must see” talks.
Last year, the 2015 event held in Atlanta, GA, attracted more than 1,200 attendees from 40+ countries. Impressively, there were up to seven different speakers presenting at any given moment, meaning the the shear volume of content being shared is incredible.
In addition to the concurrent speaker tracks, there were also Expert Luncheon Roundtables, Investor Presentations, and a “Stem Cell Actions Award Dinner.”
About the World Stem Cell Summit 2016
The World Stem Cell Summit is hosted by the Regenerative Medicine Foundation and held in conjunction with the RegMed Capital Conference. As mentioned, it is a mind-blowing event, because of the packed schedule and high-energy content.
It is a translation-focused global meeting of stem cell industry stakeholders, now celebrating its 12th year. It will feature 1,200+ attendees, 225+ speakers, 30,000 sq. feet of exhibit floor, and 90+ hours of programming.
Also, the weather was truly lovely at the event last year, which meant that I was able to enjoy an early morning run with Jon Rowley, CEO of RoosterBio, and Scott Broughton, Business Development at Cook Regentec.
However, it was not quite beach weather. This year in West Palm Beach, I look forward to breaking out my swim gear and flip flops.
Japan Day at the World Stem Cell Summit (Thursday, December 8, 2016)
Japan is not only a leader in stem cell research, but also a country that has a fully integrated plan to advance and accelerate regenerative medicine products.
On Nov. 25, 2014, Japan enacted two new regulations to accelerate the approval of regenerative medicines, allowing companies to fast-track the process for bringing new therapies to market.
The first one was Law No. 84/2013, which amends the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, renamed the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device (PMD) Act. The second one was Law 85/2013, the Safety of Regenerative Medicine Act. As a result of these legislative changes, companies can now receive conditional marketing approval and drive revenue from regenerative medicines while clinical trials are underway.
For induced pluripotent stem cells alone, Japan’s Education Ministry said it’s planning to spend 110 billion yen ($1.13 billion) on induced pluripotent stem cell research during the next 10 years.
Therefore, a new addition to the World Stem Cell Summit be Japan Day on Thursday, December 8, 2016.
According to the conference organizers, this day will convene key Japanese leaders who are spearheading hot developments within the stem cell research and will provide attendees with first-hand knowledge and insight into what is happening in Japan.
Click here to check out the awesome line-up of Japanese content scheduled for the first-ever “Japan Day” at the World Stem Cell Summit.
Or, learn more about regulatory changes in Japan by reading this excellent article by Gail Dutton on the RepliCel blog.
Facilitating Collaboration Across the Stem Cell Industry
While I enjoy many aspects of the World Stem Cell Summit, perhaps the most valuable attribute of the event is how it fosters collaboration and networking among attendees.
Each attendee gets access to an app through which you can request and confirm one-one-one meetings. Once both parties confirm a desire to meet, the app will assign you a room, table, and time at which you can meet.
As a result of these meetings, I was also able to bring to you a fascinating interview with James Lovgren of ORIG3N, titled Creating World’s Largest Blood Cell Repository for iPSC Production.
It also facilitated my interview with Jon Rowley, titled Radically Changing the Use of Stem Cells. As an update since then, I continue to be impressed by Rowley’s leadership of RoosterBio, because the company recently announced a collaboration with Pall Corporation and support from BioBridge Global to expand the company’s novel hMSC product platforms.”
The app also notified attendees that I was hosting an Expert Luncheon Roundtable titled, “Market Opportunities for Cord Blood Banking – What’s on the Horizon,” which facilitated conversations with Carlos De Rivas of Cordon Vital, Heather Brown of Cord Blood Registry (CBR), Robert Tressler of the San Diego Cord Blood Bank, and dozens of others from across the cord blood marketplace.
An Inside Look Into My Experience as an Attendee
Still trying to decide if the conference is the right fit for you?
Last year during the World Stem Cell Summit, I provided ongoing coverage of the event, including live Tweeting and real-time posts on LinkedIn.
You can access Twitter coverage from last year’s event by viewing the hashtag #WSCS15 on Twitter. Of coures, this year’s hashtag will update to #WSCS16.
I also posted the following articles during last year’s event:
- Top 10 Quotes from Day 1 of the World Stem Cell Summit
- The Gems Keep Coming: Top 10 Quotes from Day 2 of the World Stem Cell Summit
- Top Moments from “Fantastic Friday” at the World Stem Cell Summit
Check out the articles above and let your instincts be your guide.
Psst, Here’s a Code for $200 Off
Because I am such a huge fan of the event, I asked the conference organizers if I could get a coupon code to share with our BioInformant audience. Thankfully, they were kind enough to provide one.
You can get a $200 discount code to the World Stem Cell Summit 2016 using the case-sensitive code “BIOINFORMANT” when you register www.worldstemcellsummit.com.
I hope to see you there!
Nicole says
Trying to use code to register and it is not valid. I would really like to attend as I just got acceptance to present a poster. We have no funding available at the University of Trinidad and Tobago right now for travel because of a moratorium on such from the Board of Governors. Is there any possibility that another code could be given?