Stem cell market intelligence is defined as data relevant to the stem cell industry, gathered for the purpose of making informed business decisions. Business activities that market intelligence may support include:
- New product development
- Sales strategy
- Market strategy
- New client acquisition
Reasons to Invest in Stem Cell Market Intelligence
There are a huge number of reasons to invest in stem cell market intelligence, including that it will:
- Position yourself to approach investors – Without a doubt, investors will ask you for data on market size, market share, and market leaders.
- Target high-value opportunities – You need trend data to know where to focus your company’s time and resources.
- Increase sales from stem cell products – The fastest way to increase product sales is better understand the needs of your clients (that’s why we survey your end-users).
- Decrease risks associated with new product development – You don’t want to develop products that the market does not want or cannot support.
However, the most important purpose of stem cell market intelligence is to make smarter decisions, faster.
Benefits of Stem Cell Market Intelligence
You deserve to make informed, profitable decisions, while freeing yourself up to focus on more urgent issues that need your attention.
For the past 12 years, BioInformant has been tracking the stem cell industry for you, as well as interviewing stem cell industry executives.
To track this rapidly evolving industry, we use continuously maintained dashboards, combined with systems that alert us when the stem cell industry exhibits unexpected variation.
BioInformant’s Stem Cell Market Intelligence
BioInformant’s most popular stem cell market intelligence reports are highlighted below. Put simply, these are the products that your peers have been utilizing to improve their business performance.
1. Global Regenerative Medicine Industry Database – Featuring 1,550+ Companies Worldwide
The regenerative medicine industry is rapidly expanding, driven by a high volume of clinical trials, accelerated pathways for product approvals, and the potential for regenerative medicine therapies to revolutionize healthcare.
To characterize this rapidly growing industry, this database features 1,550+ regenerative medicine companies that are developing products for therapeutic use in humans. It was originally developed in-house for our own purposes, but we have had more and more clients requesting access to it.
2. Global Cord Blood and Tissue Banking Industry Report – Market Size, Segmentation, and Forecasts
This global strategic report reveals key metrics impacting the cord blood and tissue banking industry, including rates of clinical trials, scientific publications, grants, patents, product launches, new market entrants, and M&A activity. It analyzes strategic partnerships, deal-making within the industry, and investments flowing into the industry, and crucial cord blood industry trends.
In addition to analyzing opportunities for storage of cord blood and cord tissue products, it considers opportunities for storage of other perinatal stem cell types.
Access to these market insights are vital, because the cord blood market is global in nature and understanding dynamics limited to your region is not sufficient for making strategic, informed, and profitable decisions.
3. Global Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) Industry Report – Market Size, Trends, and Forecasts
Since the discovery of iPSCs, a large and thriving research product market has grown into existence, largely because the cells are non-controversial and can be generated directly from adult cells. Today, the number of iPSC products sold worldwide is increasing with double-digit growth. In addition, 22% of stem cell researchers report using iPSC-derived cells or tissues within a research project.
This market report reveals all major market competitors worldwide, including their strategic advantages, novel technologies, and products under development. It describes the current state of iPSC research, emerging technologies, and critical manufacturing trends. It also reveals patent trends and leading assignees, rates of iPSC-based scientific publications and clinical trials, and critical events within the iPSC sector, including IPOs, M&A deals, venture capital investments, licensing agreements, and strategic partnerships.
Importantly, it presents a comprehensive market size breakdown for iPSCs by Application, Technology, Cell Type, and Geography (North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of World), as well as future forecasts and growth rates through 2030.
With both research and clinical activity expanding, the market for iPSC-derived cells and tissues is poised to experience rapid growth. With the competitive nature of this rapidly evolving global market, it is essential to be informed and aware of emerging opportunities.
About BioInformant
BioInformant.com is the first and only market research firm to specialize in the stem cell industry. BioInformant research has been cited by major news outlets that include the Wall Street Journal, Nature Biotechnology, Xconomy, and Vogue Magazine. Serving industry leaders that include GE Healthcare, Pfizer, and Goldman Sachs, BioInformant is your global leader in stem cell industry data.
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