First Ever Employer to Store Lifesaving Stem Cells for Employees
Edinburgh, UK, December 7, 2016 – Precious Cells is offering their employees the ultimate employee benefit unlike anything ever seen before. They will cryogenically store employees’ and their loved ones’ stem cells, for free. This means they can be used in treatment for life threatening conditions today, tomorrow and in the future.
The benefits package (called Accellerate) has been created specifically to help the company achieve their vision of connecting 7 billion potential stem cell donors in a world with a huge stem cell shortage. It has been rolled out to employees first, as a priority to make them feel valued, and to retain, recruit and motivate the best talent in a sector where traditional benefits no longer give competitive advantage.
Rachel Bowman, Precious Cells’ employee based in Glasgow says, “I am very pleased! It is a fantastic and potentially lifesaving service. To be offered the service not only to me but my loved ones is heartening. Precious Cells are proud of their products and want their internal customers to be the first to take advantage. It gives me the peace of mind that me and my family have stem cells available. It definitely makes me feel valued. They are thinking of their staff well-being and also their staff’s families.”
Niraj Vyas, Managing Director at CMP Financial, Principal Partner Practice – St. James’s Place Wealth Managementsays, “A truly innovative employee benefit that not only shows a forward thinking company, but an organisation that genuinely cares about what they are doing, values their employees and wants to look after them. I will be surprised if other employers don’t sit up and take notice.”
Alison King, Director, Bespoke HR says, “In today’s environment, employers are increasingly having to think outside the box when it comes to attracting, recruiting and retaining the right talent for their business. It really is quite refreshing to see something as innovative as this on the market.”
About Accellerate
Accellerate is made up of 6 components, all designed to help employees proactively protect their own, and their loved ones lifelong health and well-being. It’s an exclusive membership unlike any other in the world. The package comprises of:
Adult stem cell storage with Oristem® – The health of adult stem cells deteriorates with age. Employees’ (and their loved ones’) stem cells are stored to preserve their robustness today, so they can be used in future treatments.
Cord blood and cord tissue storage – Baby’s stem cells from the umbilical cord are a 100% match for the baby and a 1 in 4 chance of being a match for close family members, which could be potentially lifesaving for the family.
Access to Precious Cells stem cells registry – Accessing national registries is notoriously expensive and time consuming. This feature saves distress, time and money at a difficult time.
Personalised HLA typing – Anyone who needs a lifesaving transplant needs to find a tissue match. HLA typing is used to find that match. Having HLA information ready and available upon demand could save vital time in a life or death situation.
Personalised genomic report – Tells employees what their DNA says about them. It helps them understand potential genetic risk factors and genetic traits so they can potentially make better lifestyle choices.
Personalised wellness report – A comprehensive health screen that will help employees understand their state of health and give practical pointers on how they can make improvements.
Next steps
Following on from the success of the internal roll out, Precious Cells will offer Accellerate to other like-minded, forward thinking companies.
Media Contacts:
Joy Keogh
Phone: +44 (0)1698 539 463
Email: [email protected]
Dr Amr Abid
Phone: +44 (0)7568 479 979
Email: [email protected]
Dr Husein K Salem
Phone: +44 (0) 7445835430
Email: [email protected]
Source: Precious Cells
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