Singapore’s CellResearch Corporation has entered into an agreement with CariCord to provide umbilical cord tissue banking services within the United States. CariCord is the private cord blood and tissue banking partner of ClinImmune Labs at the University of Colorado.
As stated in the November 30, 2016, press release:
“CellResearch Corporation Pte Ltd (“CellResearch”), a Singapore-based company that specializes in stem cell technology, through its wholly owned subsidiary, CordLabs Pte Ltd (“CordLabs”), has entered into an agreement with CariCord Inc. (“CariCord”) to provide umbilical cord tissue banking services in the United States. CariCord is the private postnatal cord blood and tissue banking partner of ClinImmune Labs (“ClinImmune”) at the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus (“UCAMC”).
This agreement extends CellResearch’s on-going collaboration with ClinImmune. The two groups are already working together to obtain US Federal Drug Agency (“US FDA”) approval for Corlicyte™, a drug for the treatment of diabetic wounds. ClinImmune will produce the world’s first Current Good Manufacturing Practices (“cGMP”) cord lining mesenchymal stem cell lines for therapeutic use.”
This license agreement also allows CariCord’s cord tissue clients to join CellResearch’s Global Cord Registry (“GCR”), “a proprietary registry for all clients who have saved cord lining stem cells with licensed partners.” The registry currently has 50,000+ registered clients, making it the largest group of its type in the world.
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