Bordeaux, France, Cambridge (MA), USA / October 20th, 2022 – TreeFrog Therapeutics, a biotechnology company aimed at making safer, more efficient and more affordable cell therapies based on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), today announced that an international team composed of 3 PhD students from King’s College London has been awarded the Stem Cell SpaceShot grant. With this $100,000 research funding, Matthew Wai Heng CHUNG, Cher Shen KIAR & Sofia SYNTAKA will explore the reprogramming of stem cell-derived macrophages, with the aim of repairing neuronal damage, such as spinal cord injury.
The awarded scientists went through a 2-step application process. First, they anonymously submitted a 1 page-research description. Then, nominated together with 9 other projects, they were interviewed by an international jury of experts in stem cell biology, gene editing and biophysics, who determined the winner.
Video: Interview of Prof. Peter Andrews, Jury Member
“All nominees presented interesting and diverse ideas. But I am very happy to have a young group of PhD students, very cohesive and creative, to win this grant. The grant designed by TreeFrog is meant to encourage international investigators to explore innovative and high risks ideas. If I were to give any advice to next year’s applicants, I’d recommend thinking outside the box and putting forward high-risk high-reward projects.”
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