Over the past ten years, we have observed that our clients who invest in our cord blood market intelligence are leaders within the industry and committed to growth and expansion. They are not companies that are trying to conserve. They are companies that are preparing for market expansion.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing in life as staying the same. You are either growing or dying. Expanding or shrinking. Find a company that is trying to stay the same, and you have identified one that will soon be overtaken in the marketplace.
To support companies that are pursuing dominance within the cord blood sector, BioInformant launched a global strategic report titled the “Global Cord Blood Banking Industry Report.” It addresses significant industry changes that have occurred over the past five years, including legislative positions, technology advances, parent perceptions, and more.
The global report focuses on accomplishing three main outcomes.
Outcome 1: Market Overview & Outlook for the Global Cord Blood Industry
This purpose of this section is to assess where the cord blood banking industry has been, what has shaped it, and where it is going. Using both qualitative and quantitative assessment, it explores critical timeline events, current and future conditions treatable with cord blood, advantages of cord blood transplant, probabilities of requiring stem cell transplant throughout the lifespan, and more.
With this detailed knowledge, you can know the relative strength of your position within the marketplace.
Outcome 2: Expansion and Growth – Trailing 12-Month Analysis & Forward Projections
The section explores where the global cord blood banking industry is now and what you should anticipate for the near-term future, based on recent trends and five-year projections. Critically, it explores strategies of fast-growth companies and compares their actions and attributes to slow-growth companies, providing a road-map for growth and expansion.
Detailed assessment of cord blood industry trends are presented in this section, including:
- Rates of cord blood storage
- Rates of parental awareness
- Trends in medical opinions of cord blood banking
- Quantitative analysis of cord blood grant funding, publication rates, and patents
- And much more
Outcome 3: Comprehensive Parent Survey – Continuing to Grow by Listening to Expectant Parents
The purpose of this section is encourage you to take strategic action within the marketplace. It contains findings from a survery of 600+ recent and expectant parents that reveals how they learn about cord blood banking, think about the process, and make the decision to bank publicly, privately, or not at all.
It will provide you with insight into the mind of your prospective clients.
Learn how to:
- Strategically position your products
- Understand why expectant parents bank publicly, privately, or not at all
- Communicate successfully with parents
- Effectively educate parents
- Prioritize your advertising budget
- Sell your services more effectively
In summary, this report of your guide to growing, expanding, and profiting by listening to the needs of your clients – expectant parents.
Click here to view the “Global Cord Blood Banking Industry Report.”
About BioInformant
BioInformant is the first and only market research firm to specialize exclusively in the stem cell industry. BioInformant research has been cited by major news outlets that include the Wall Street Journal, Nature Biotechnology, Medical Ethics, Vogue Magazine, and more. Serving Fortune 500 leaders that include GE Healthcare, Pfizer, and Goldman Sachs, BioInformant is your global leader in stem cell industry data.
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