December 21, 2018, New York, NY — Americord Registry, LLC, a leading cord blood, cord tissue, and placental tissue bank, announced today the launch of its new website. The layout and functionality have been optimized for an improved user-experience that better serves Americord’s customers and individuals seeking more education about stem cell banking services.
As an enterprise entering its second decade of business and built upon industry-leading customer service, Americord felt it was important to reconsider how its website facilitates stem cell banking education and communication with its industry experts, while also keeping its clients and visitors informed of major advances in the industry and the wider field of regenerative medicine.
“We are thrilled to launch the new to our customers, partners, and visitors who have expressed an interest in learning more about our exciting processes and the industry at large to help them make a more informed decision about this important investment,” said Jonathan Nissan, Director of Marketing.
The result of these efforts is a greatly-improved website designed to help new customers learn about cord blood and stem cell banking and Americord’s status as an industry innovator, and Americord’s existing clientele to stay up-to-date on the research underway around the world that is constantly making their investment more valuable. For those prepared to invest in the service, a new-and-improved e-commerce platform was built that enables streamlined checkout and a real-time display of all payment options and different product configurations.
“Americord has been around for ten years now, but the field of stem cell medicine is still relatively young. We’re continuing to see major breakthroughs and adaptive applications of stem cells. The new is a way for us to reach more people with this message and to continuously engage with our growing family of clients regarding the incredible investment they made,” said Americord Founder and CEO, Martin Smithmyer.
He continued, “At the end of the day, we might help educate someone that still chooses another cord blood bank, but that’s alright. We genuinely believe in the promising future of regenerative medicine and understand that improved awareness is a major part of our promise to help people live longer, healthier lives.”
About Americord Registry, LLC
Americord® is a leader in the advancement of umbilical cord blood, cord tissue, and placental tissue banking. As a private bank, Americord® collects, processes, and stores stem cells for future medical or therapeutic use by the family who saves them.
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