The first and only market research firm to specialize in the stem cell industry, BioInformant has more than a decade of historical information on all segments of the stem cell market.
The following are six more reasons that your survival depends on stem cell market intelligence.
1. Assess Opportunities for Commercialization of Stem Cell Products
To operate successfully within the stem cell marketplace, it is vital to assess novel opportunities for product development. First and foremost, stem cell research products are utilized by researchers in laboratory settings worldwide. However, these tools can also be leveraged in parallel markets.
Stem cells have the potential to assist drug discovery by providing physiologically relevant cells for compound screening, compound identification, and target validation. Stem cells can also be used for toxicology screening, which is the use of stem cells or their derivatives to assess the safety profile of drugs. Stem cells can be used for cellular therapy applications, including autologous and allogeneic transplantation, as well as gene therapy.
The market for the long-term storage of various stem cell product types by biobanks is also expanding on a global basis, to include the storage of umbilical cord blood (hematopoietic stem cells), umbilical cord tissue (mesenchymal stem cells), adipose tissue (adipose-derived stem cells), exfoliated molars (dental pulp stem cells), and more. Long-term storage of each of these stem cell types requires specific processing and storage solutions.
Each of these unique applications represents growing opportunities for the commercialization of stem cell products.
2. Identify Major Market Players and the Competitive Environment
It is clear that stem cells represent a lucrative product market, but commercializing them involves careful due diligence. Currently, there are a handful of industry leaders that are dominating the stem cell products marketplace.
There are also several dozen mid-sized players and over a hundred small specialty providers.
Within this competitive landscape, having a thorough understanding of the key competitors and their relative strengths and weaknesses is essential.
Do you know the growth strategies and key strategic alliances formed by the most significant competitors within the stem cell research products marketplace?
3. Identify Technologies Impacting the Stem Cell Marketplace
Because therapeutic applications of stem cells are rapidly expanding, innovation within the stem cell products market is also accelerating.
New trends, such as use of stem cells in 3D printing and biofabrication applications, are massively impacting the industry.
You need to stay current on advances in stem cell product development, and importantly, how exponential growth technologies are impacting product innovation.
4. Acquire a Mental “Snapshot” of the Marketplace
To be competitive within the stem cell marketplace, you need a mental “snapshot” of the market as it is today.
This mental map should include major events driving demand for stem cell products, new opportunities for stem cell product development, merger and acquisition activity within the marketplace, opportunities by stem cell type, and more.
Ask yourself, do you have the time to stay current on all of these continuously moving metrics?
5. Identify Existing and Emerging Stem Cell Trends
To compete within the stem cell products marketplace, it is also vital to assess existing and emerging trends.
You need access to current trend data, including:
- Stem cell clinical trials
- Stem cell patents
- Stem cell grants
- Stem cell scientific publications
- Social analytics (Google Trends, Google Adwords, Twitter hashtag data, viral articles, and more)
It is critical to identify market trends before begin to impact the marketplace, not after they are in full effect.
6. Identify Opportunities and Threats within the Marketplace
Finally, you need a clear understanding of opportunities and threats within the stem cell marketplace.
Opportunities driving growth of the stem cell market include clinical progress with stem cells, an expanding range of disease indications being addressed by stem cell therapy, an aging global population, and an improving regulatory environment for stem cell product development within key regions of the world (Japan, South Korea, and EU).
However, threats are also present within the stem cell research products marketplace, including the potential for changes in federal and state funding of stem cell research, continued retractions and scandals within the stem cell research community (i.e. bokata’s “Stimulus Triggered Acquisition of Pluripotency” research papers), the potential for negative clinical findings, and more.
Why You Need Stem Cell Market Intelligence
Stem cells have generated substantial commercial interest, because their potential applications include cell therapy applications, tissue regeneration, drug development, pharmacological testing on cell-specific tissues, toxicology screening, and more.
About BioInformant
BioInformant is the first and only market research firm to specialize exclusively in the stem cell industry. BioInformant research has been cited by major news outlets that include the Wall Street Journal, Nature Biotechnology, Medical Ethics, Vogue Magazine, and more. Serving Fortune 500 leaders that include GE Healthcare, Pfizer, and Goldman Sachs, BioInformant is your global leader in stem cell industry data.
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