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BioInformant to Sponsor Boston Biolife Conference on Stem Cell Therapies for Pain Management

BioInformant to Sponsor Boston Biolife Conference on Stem Cell Therapies for Pain Management

BioInformant is honored to be sponsoring the upcoming conference, “Hands-on Stem Cell Therapies and Biologics for the Clinical Application of Pain Management.” Hosted by the renowned conference organizer and educator, Boston Biolife, the event is being held in Washington, DC, on March 19-20, 2016.

In addition to sponsoring the event, BioInformant will be attending the event. We will be bringing you:

This two-day course allows the participants to experience a comprehensive and intensive learning opportunity focusing on regenerative medicine techniques and their clinical applications in pain management.

The course is designed to serve the Pain Management Physician, Physiatrist, and/or Spine Physician who is currently practicing and would like to begin learning more about regenerative medicine and its applications. It will feature hands-on, interactive workshops, as well as discussion of the following topics:

To learn more about the event or to attend, visit:

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BioInformant is the only research firm to serve the stem cell sector since it emerged. BioInformant research has been cited by major news outlets that include the Wall Street Journal, Nature Biotechnology, CBS News, Medical Ethics, and the Center for BioNetworking. Serving Fortune 500 leaders that include GE Healthcare, Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, and Becton Dickinson, BioInformant is your global leader in stem cell industry data.

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