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Cord Blood Market Trends, by Region and Sub-Segment

Cord Blood Market by Region and Sub-Segment

Cord Blood Market Trends

The cord blood market is a complex international industry, composed of public, private, and hybrid cord blood banks.

These market participants store a range of varied products, including cord blood, cord tissue, and sometimes, related perinatal tissues and stem cell types. Rates of cord blood utilization for clinical use vary substantially as well.

Therefore, our approach to analyzing cord blood market trends is to look at it geographically, as well as by sub-segment according to blood units banked, tissue units banked, and clinical units transplanted.

A high level assessment of cord blood market growth is that North American is flat, North Asia and Southeast Asia (SEA) are growing by double digits, and Europe is declining.

We summarize these cord blood industry trends as follows:

*Click to expand (table courtesy of BioInformant partner, Kenneth Harris).

To learn more, read our recent interview with Kenneth Harris of CuraSense Advisors, in which we discuss growth rates and trends within the global cord blood banking industry.


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