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Stem Cell Treatment Now Available in the UK, as LifePlus Stem Cells Launches in London

LifePlus Stem Cells

July 21, 2020 — LifePlus Stem Cells is the first Stem Cell service in the UK to provide doctors and prescribers with quantifiable, quality assured autologous and allogeneic stem cells, with appropriate HTA and MHRA licenses.

Patients in the UK can now benefit from Stem Cell treatments prescribed as a medicine, which can be used for a wide range of conditions.

Stem cell has been used for over 40 years for haematological conditions, with patients travelling around the world to reap the benefits of this pioneering treatment.

Mesenchymal stems cells (MSC) have been reported to show beneficial effect in neurological, inflammatory, musculoskeletal conditions. Such cells can be extracted from a patient’s own fat (or bone marrow) known as an autologous, or from younger donated umbilical cord cells, known as allogeneic.

Following the publication of countless journals and research papers, LifePlus Stem Cells can now offer treatment in the UK, in collaboration with The London Welbeck Hospital, a CQC registered premises.

LifePlus Stem Cells Medical Director, Professor Ash Mosahebi said: “MSCs are known to have the ability to enhance wound healing, reduce inflammation and, in the laboratory, rescue dying cells and have been shown to enhance cartilage repair and bone formation. “Stem cells have become the cornerstone of regenerative medicine & have the potential for significantly reducing the number of operative procedures a patient may require.”

LifePlus Stem Cell Scientists measure the quantity and quality of human cord cells, which are taken from anonymous, fully consented and screened UK donors and immediately frozen. Each dose contains approximately 5 million stem cells.

Doctors, private clinics and manufacturers can purchase stem cells in vials of 5 million, these doses can be administered directly to the patient’s area of concern via site injection or intravenously, depending on the condition and the prescriber.

Using leading biotechnology, together with selected partners, LifePlus Stem Cells has the IP and unique methodology to harvest and multiply and store autologous & allogeneic MSC’s into the millions for medicinal use.

Professor Mosahebi continued: ”Allogeneic MSCs have been shown to be safe in thousands of patients receiving cells via different routes and at different doses in a number of peer-reviewed publications.

The immediate availability of high-quality allogeneic stem cells allows prescribers to treat more patients quickly and effectively, without the preparation times associated with Autologous treatments.”

The Future of Stem Cell treatment in the UK

LifePlus Stem Cells enables medical professionals to offer patients a restorative, effective alternative to surgery.

Human umbilical cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells are harvested from anonymous donors or in the case of autologous fat is harvested from the patient. All donors are screened for blood-borne diseases and viruses, such as HIV and Hepatitis. This is the same, stringent screening process used for blood transfusions.

Cells are cultured in the LifePlus Stem Cells lab for several days to increase potency and quality. Medical professionals issue a prescription and recommended dose. Stem cells are ordered and delivered via a specialist courier. Finally, the activated stem cells are administered via IV or injection to repair damaged tissue.

UK Stem Cell treatment is just the start of things to come at LifePlus Stem Cells.

Stem Cell banking is the process of freezing a person’s own stem cells for future use, giving them access to personalised medicines for when they need it most.

Stem cells are unspecialised cells that have the potential to multiply and grow into many different types of cells throughout the body, especially effective when fighting disease.

Freezing the body’s own repair cells ensures the stem cells are kept at their optimal level, ready to be injected back into the patient when they require them, perhaps in older age to treat conditions such as osteoarthritis.

More information about UK Stem Cell treatment is available at

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