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Dental Pulp Stem Cell News Round-Up | 3rd Quarter 2015


The dental pulp stem cell industry is a rapidly evolving industry. Every month there are major events occurring in the sector that shift industry dynamics. Often, these events are announcements of technical or scientific advancements.  Sometimes they are announcements of major industry alliances. Occasionally, they are announcements of a new industry competitor, a major milestone, or a significant funding award.

For those of us interested in the dental pulp stem cell industry, tracking these shifting industry dynamics is of paramount importance.  For this reason, this post covers the most significant neural stem cell industry news events as of July 2015.

Dental Pulp Stem Cell Industry Round-Up | July 2015

  1. Provia Reports Record Enrollment for Store-a-Tooth™ Dental Stem Cell Technology

    [June 29, 2015] Grace Century’s bio banking project, Provia Laboratories, LLC, a healthcare services company specializing in high-quality bio-banking (the collection, transport, processing and cryogenic storage of biological specimens), recently reported 47% quarterly growth in enrollments for their Store-a-Tooth™ cryogenic storage service of dental stem cells.
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  2. Brownsburg entrepreneur is a cryogenic-tooth-banking pioneer

    [July 3, 2015] Byers is president and CEO of Brownsburg-based Tooth Bank. Founded in 2014, it’s one of a tiny group of U.S. companies catering to the latest iteration of stem cell therapy. New technology allows customers to harvest stem cells from the pulp inside baby teeth and extracted wisdom teeth, then culture, freeze and store them at a cryostorage facility for later use.
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  3. Dental pulp stem cell transplants can contribute to peripheral nerve regeneration

    [July 7, 2015] Searching for an alternative to autologous nerve grafts (autografts), researchers in Japan transplanted mobilized dental pulp stem cells (MDPSCs) into laboratory rats with sciatic nerve defects to investigate the regenerative capabilities of MDPSCs and to compare the effectiveness of this procedure to what has been called the “gold standard,”- autologous nerve grafts or collagen implants, that were provided to control groups with similar nerve damage. For this study, the dental pulp used was derived easily from discarded teeth following extraction.The researchers found that the group receiving the MDPSCs demonstrated regeneration of myelinated axons that were significantly higher in density than those resulting for controls that received nerve grafts or collagen.
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  4. Future heat stroke treatment found in dental pulp stem cells

    [June 5, 2015] Scientists in Taiwan have found that intravenous injections of stem cells derived from human exfoliated deciduous tooth pulp (SHED) have a protective effect against brain damage from heat stroke in mice. Their finding was safe and effective and so may be a candidate for successfully treating human patients by preventing the neurological damage caused by heat stroke.
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  5. Stem Cells to Re-attach Teeth

    [July 7, 2015] In this recent study, researchers took stem cells from a specific ligament in the molars of mice. They treated these stem cells in the laboratory and then used them on barren molars. Once these molars were inserted back into the empty sockets of the mice, they eventually anchored back into the space.
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  6. Natural reparative capacity of teeth elucidated

    [April 22, 2015] Researchers at Inserm and Paris Descartes University have just taken an important step in research on stem cells and dental repair. They have managed to isolate dental stem cell lines and to describe the natural mechanism by which they repair lesions in the teeth. This fundamental discovery will make it possible to initiate unprecedented therapeutic strategies to mobilise the resident dental stem cells and magnify their natural capacity for repair.
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To learn more about emerging trends and findings within the stem cell storage industry, view “The Market for Stem Cell Biobanking and Storage – Size, Segments, and Trends.”” now.

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BioInformant is the only research firm that has served the stem cell sector since it emerged. Our management team comes from a BioInformatics background – the science of collecting and analyzing complex genetic codes – and applies these techniques to the field of market research. BioInformant has been featured on news outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Nature Biotechnology, CBS News, Medical Ethics, and the Center for BioNetworking.

Serving Fortune 500 leaders that include GE Healthcare, Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, Beckton Dickinson, and Thermo Fisher Scientific, BioInformant is your global leader in stem cell industry data.

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