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Pairing Cord Blood and Tissue Storage with Genetic Testing Services

Cord Blood Genetic Testing Services

One of the most prominent trends within the global cord blood banking industry is the pairing of cord blood and tissue storage with pre- and post-natal testing services, including genetic testing, genome sequencing, and metabolic screening services. The rise of this trend is driven by the ability of cord blood storage providers to offer complimentary services to existing clients, thereby expanding and diversifying their product portfolio.

As one cord blood executive recently told me, “They are looking to extend the relationship with the mother.” 

Pairing Cord Blood Banking with Genetic Testing Services

Repeatedly, the cord blood industry has seen companies pair genetic testing and genomic sequencing services with cord blood and tissue storage services.

Examples of this trend include:

Similary, many cord blood banks are also expanding into other types of maternal health services, including:

In addition to this trend, other powerful trends have emerged within the global cord blood industry. First, cord blood banks are rapidly introducing new types of perinatal tissue storage. Second, cord blood industry consolidation is occurring worldwide. Third, the industry is giving a great deal of attention to the pursuit of cord blood expansion technologies, because the limited cell dose present within an unmanipulted cord blood unit is restricting use within adult patient populations.

Finally, cord blood banks worldwide are now exploring options for growing into integrated therapeutics companies, where they seeking opportunities to pair cord blood and tissue storage services with therapeutic product development. In one recent example, Americord Registry in the U.S. noted that it intends to “launch its first therapeutic product offering sometime in 2018.”

To learn more, view the “Global Cord Blood Banking Industry Report.”

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