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CellPlan Launches The World’s First Global Stem Cell Healthcare Plan

CellPlan Launch The World’s First Global Stem Cell Healthcare Plan - WideCELLS_Bioinformant_May2016_v0.1

Next Generation Of Medical Insurance To Unlock Potential Of Umbilical Cord Blood Banking

London – May 10, 2016 – CellPlan today announced the creation of the world’s first global stem cell healthcare plan, which will be launched at the World Cord Blood Congress Europe 2016 in London this month.

The UK company said that the new medical insurance product could revolutionise stem cell healthcare by making stem cell transplants affordable for families who require treatment for life threatening diseases.

According to co-founder and CEO Joao Andrade, CellPlan represents a much needed solution to a major problem in the cord blood banking market. “Worldwide, around three million people have stored their newborn’s umbilical cord blood, which contains potentially life saving stem cells, in over 500 cord blood banks to protect their families against future illness,” Mr Andrade said.

“They have paid thousands of pounds each to store the stem cells, but future treatments, if required, can cost up hundreds of thousands of pounds meaning the majority of families will not be able to afford the treatment.

“We have developed CellPlan to give families the opportunity to safeguard their future, by providing cover for those who store stem cells.”

CellPlan will include several services to help patients obtain the right diagnosis and the most effective treatment plan.

Dr Peter Hollands, CellPlan CSO, said: “Through CellPlan, the insured will have access to the latest tests, technologies, and the opinions of world-class doctors. This expert consultation can reduce potentially serious complications from a misdiagnosis, and help the insured’s local treating physician determine the proper course of action.”

In addition to providing medical and financial support for families requiring stem cell treatment, CellPlan also includes a unique global membership programme, called Excel, for cord blood banks, which will also be launched at the World Cord Blood Congress Europe 2016 in London this month.

“Our mission involves promoting the highest standards of ethics and accountability in cord blood banking,” Mr Andrade said. “CellPlan Excel is a membership programme; a community of the best cord blood banks and an integral part of our plan to unlock the full potential of cord blood banking to revolutionise the stem cell treatment industry.”

“We plan to change clinical outcomes for families with the help of the best cord blood banks, the world’s leading clinical stem cell transplant experts and the best hospitals and clinics in the world.”

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BioInformant is the first and only market research firm to specialize exclusively in the stem cell industry. BioInformant research has been cited by major news outlets that include the Wall Street Journal, Nature Biotechnology, Medical Ethics, Vogue Magazine, and more. Serving Fortune 500 leaders that include GE Healthcare, Pfizer, and Goldman Sachs, BioInformant is your global leader in stem cell industry data.

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