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Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment With Stem Cells

Feature | Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment With Stem Cells

Learn how stem cell-based vaginal rejuvenation treatment can provide various benefits for people who are seeking vaginal health improvement.

In this article:

  1. What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?
  2. How Is Stem Cell Therapy Administered in Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure?
  3. What Are the Results of Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment with Stem Cells?
  4. What Are the Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy over Surgical Options in Vaginal Rejuvenation?
  5. Who Is a Good Candidate for Stem Cell Vaginal Rejuvenation?

The Contribution of Stem Cells to Vaginal Rejuvenation


What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation is a non-surgical therapy that primarily restores the appearance of a woman’s genital area. It is usually done in short sessions, at minimal discomfort on the patient’s part. It promises to eliminate vaginal dryness, resolve incontinence, and tighten the vagina itself. The vaginal rejuvenation process covers any changes in the vaginal anatomy, whether the internal or external structure. Aging can change a person’s vagina, which is the reason some people elect to have this type of procedure.

When stem cells are used in the treatment, they aid in correcting some vaginal issues involved in the genital’s appearance and its level of sensation. This provides a more supple and attractive vagina, with a natural look and feel. The treatment can also inspire more confidence and help provide more enjoyment in a person’s intimate moments with their partners.

How Is Stem Cell Therapy Administered in Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure?

One way of approaching treatment is using a technique that separates and concentrates high-density platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The procedure starts with obtaining a blood sample from the patient. The sample is then prepared for injection by allowing the platelets to concentrate and separate. Once done, PRP concentrate is injected in the vagina, into the anterior wall, and near the clitoris.

The injection makes the platelets release various growth factors that awaken cells already present in the clitoral and vaginal tissues. This results in the regeneration of tissues, improving sexual function and creating a more youthful appearance. The benefits may appear immediately as the growth factors take effect. Several weeks following treatment, more positive changes may occur in the surrounding area and in the vaginal tissue. Generally, the procedure does not pose harmful side effects, as it uses the patient’s own PRP and blood plasma.

There are other ways to administer stem cells in vaginal rejuvenation too, such as those from bone marrow and fat tissue (adipose). Taking a sample from any of these sources and then applying a method to isolate stem cells before administering may aid in the vaginal enhancement process, although there is limited patient data and clinical trials to support this approach.

What Are the Results of Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment with Stem Cells?

Results may vary from one patient to another, but some women experience the following benefits:

What Are the Advantages of Stem Cell Therapy over Surgical Options in Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Stem cell therapy may have the capacity to provide anti-aging benefits and long-lasting rejuvenation. The following are the potential advantages of this non-surgical therapy over the traditional surgical routes:

Who Is a Good Candidate for Stem Cell Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Women experiencing vaginal aging, who want to improve sexual performance, or who have other cosmetic reasons may consider pursuing this treatment. To make this decision, it’s best to consider realistic expectations of the treatment in terms of its psychological and physical benefits. A thorough consultation with a doctor is also a must.

To learn more about stem cells, watch the video below:

Risks of Stem Cell Therapy

Vaginal rejuvenation with stem cells offers a promising future for people who are interested to improve their vaginal health. It may provide physical and psychological benefits as well. However, stem cell-based vaginal rejuvenation procedures still requires further research. For this reason, please confer with your physician or health care provider.

Understandably, as the world’s largest publisher of stem cell industry news, BioInformant  cannot provide medical treatments or advice. Statements made on this website are not expressed as medical claims or advice and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.

For this reason, please contact GIOSTAR if you have questions. GIOSTAR is a global stem cell company that has treated a large number of patients in the U.S. and worldwide. You can reach them at this link.

We also recommend that you read the U.S. FDA’s Patient and Consumer Information about stem cells and regenerative therapies at this page.

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