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American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians to Offer Licensed Physicians Board Examination in Regenerative Medicine

AASCP Board Exam in Regenerative Medicine

September 23, 2022, Miami, FL – The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians will be hosting its fall Scientific Congress in Chicago, IL, on October 28 – 30, 2022. The conference will feature three days of educational and networking events with leading physicians from across the fields of stem cells, live cells, and regenerative medicine. A Board Examination process will be available, creating a pathway for participants to earn a Diplomat and Fellowship Certification in Regenerative Medicine.

The Board of American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians is the official board certifying body of the American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians (AASCP). As a nationally recognized academy with a mission to bring like-minded physicians together to increase awareness and education for the evolving field of regenerative medicine, the AASCP is proud to announce its Fellowship and Diplomat Certification.

In order to be eligible for certification or recertification through the AASCP, licensed physicians in good standing must meet the stringent eligibility requirements that have been defined by the board. AASCP places an emphasis on not only psychometrically evaluated testing and advanced training, but also moral character and experience. Furthermore, AASCP has a clear path toward recertification for qualified physicians. Their standards for recertification include a commitment to continuing medical education, successful completion of a recertification examination, participation in a non-remedial medical ethics program, and additional requirements.

AASCP is known for working with physicians to provide unique opportunities for board certification in their specialty of regenerative medicine. Specifically, the AASCP offers ongoing workshop modules led by esteemed physicians in this field who certify and educate on different treatment approaches and techniques. Another defining characteristic of the AASCP is their commitment to ongoing education and awareness. To support this goal, the AASCP has developed innovative committees, including its Institutional Review Board and created opportunities for physicians and researchers to submit their work for peer review and exposure.

The AASCP was founded to recognize licensed physicians who have shown a specialty and interest in regenerative medicine. Increasingly, hospitals and medical staff placement agencies are prioritizing hiring Board-Certified Physicians. For this reason, the AASCP feels it is important to offer qualified professionals a choice when they’re researching board certifying bodies. The AASCP was founded by a group of leading physicians in 2017, and over the last five years, its team of professionals has worked tirelessly to improve the certification process to ensure that AASCP Diplomats are recognized for their achievements.

Currently, licensed physicians in great standing complete eight modules to achieve certification. After that step, physicians can qualify to complete a written and oral exam proctored by the eight workshop leaders. Upon passing these exams, the AASCP can confer the title of Diplomat of the AASCP. After one year of good standing, these physicians can qualify to become a Fellow of American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians, granting them the title of FAASCP.

As described by a spokesman for the American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians, Dr. A.J. Farshchian, “Five years after the inception of the American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians, I am proud to see that  our current Diplomats and Fellows represent the most innovative scientists and physicians of our time within the evolving field of regenerative medicine. It is a huge credit to our entire organization.”

To attend this upcoming conference at the North American Spine Society Specialty Education and Research Center in Chicago, Illinois, on October 28-30, 2022, visit

About the American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians

The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians (AASCP) is an organization created to advance research and the development of regenerative therapeutics, including the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to or occurring within the human body. It aims to serve as an educational resource for physicians, scientists, and the public about diseases caused by physiological dysfunction that can be ameliorable to medical treatment.

Source: AASCP

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